Dick Heaven
Self-Portrait by Dick Heaven
On this very special bonus episode, I amazingly landed an interview with the famously reclusive home recording artist Dick Heaven. How I was able to pull this off is beyond me… he apparently hadn’t conversed with anyone, on or off the record, in a decade and a half. You can imagine my utter dismay when I realized the only time he was available to talk was during my previously scheduled bubble bath! Thankfully, the Los Angeles comedian Aviva Siegel was able to answer the call on my behalf. I knew she was up to the task as I’m a big fan of her Ad Wizards podcast ( @adwizardspod ), and her live comedy show Talkies (you can also follow her on twitter @livinlavivaloca ). While I washed myself clean, Aviva got into the dirt on Dick’s history, personal life and the creative process that gave us classic songs like “Nightmare Brigade” and “If I Wrote the Book.” Dick Heaven spoke to Aviva from his home in rural Western Massachusets.