45. Corey Ledet

Portrait by Nathan Berko-Gibson

Corey Ledet is a 2012 Grammy-nominated Zydeco musician unlike any other. He was born in Houston, and started playing this traditional Creole music professionally when he was a kid, performing with Wildbert Thibadeuax’s Zydeco Rascals and others before moving to the small town of Parks, Lousianna, where he spent his summers immersed in his extended family’s Creole traditions… especially Zydeco music, which has been in his blood for generations, all the way back to its conception in the beginning of the twentieth century. Corey blends Zydeco traditions with the other music forms that have surrounded his life…jazz, funk, rock, r&b, country – anything his ears could get a hold of, it’s in there, but still his deep Zydeco roots are always present. As of this episode’s release, his latest album is simply called “Corey Ledet Zydeco,” his 14th to date, which was released CD and Cassette tape in 2021 on Nouveau Electric Records.

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46. Martin Rev