84. Bob Log III
Illustration by Jack Habegger
Bob Log III is, as you might have gathered, a one man band from Tuscon, Arizona. He tends to tour at least half the days of the year all over the planet, bringing a party, and doing it all by himself, ever since his old band Doo Rag broke up while on tour with Ween. Nowadays, when he’s not on the road, Bob lives in Australia. If you catch him on the tour in your area, there’s balloons, an oversized rubber duck, a boat, and even rides! No wonder this guy’s side hustle is writing personalized birthday party songs. He regales us today with tales of how he developed his solo act, why it’s hard for him to collaborate, his misadventures in Sweden, being hired to play a song he didn’t know for a bunch of metal musicians, and how he challenges himself to keep the party level in the red. He’s also got some surprising health tips for touring performers. I spoke to him on the phone, presumably the one protruding out of his motorcycle helmet.
Here’s a delightful animated short Andrew Ebright made for one of Bob’s stories on today’s show: